

World premiere
Available online: 23/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Simon van der Zande & Marvin Beekhuijzen
Choreographer Ido Batash
Belgium and Netherlands 2023
7 minutes
A dance creature in the elevator of a theater initiates a play with the camera.


The discovery of a dance creature in the elevator of a theater sets in motion a cat and mouse play between performer and camera. Both are looking for the fragile harmony of a dance captured on film.

This film is currently not available.

The discovery of a dance creature in the elevator of a theater sets in motion a cat and mouse play between performer and camera. Both are looking for the fragile harmony of a dance captured on film.

Full credits

New Dutch
Simon van der Zande & Marvin Beekhuijzen
Ido Batash
Production countries
Belgium and Netherlands
Production year
7 minutes
Ariel Eberstein

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