
Little Movement

World premiere
Available online: 25/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Sergio Gridelli | Maaike van de Westeringh
Choreographer Maaike van de Westeringh
Netherlands 2023
8 minutes
Six patients with Huntington’s disease are portrayed in a dream-like space.


Little Movement is a short dance film in which six patients with Huntington's disease are portrayed in a dream-like space where time is suspended. An intimate choreography shows us their positive energy, zest for life and resilience in their vulnerable and fragile existence.

This film is currently not available.

Little Movement is a short dance film in which six patients with Huntington's disease are portrayed in a dream-like space where time is suspended. An intimate choreography shows us their positive energy, zest for life and resilience in their vulnerable and fragile existence.

Full credits

New Dutch
Sergio Gridelli | Maaike van de Westeringh
Maaike van de Westeringh
Production countries
Production year
8 minutes
Stichting Kudde
Sergio Gridelli

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