
Around its own axis

Available online: 25/03/2024
Director Mirte van Duppen
Choreographer Pauline Roelants
Netherlands 2020
12 minutes
The repetitive rhythm of the automated agricultural machines turns into a dance.


Around its own axis showcases the infinite, repetitive rhythm of the automated Dutch agricultural landscape. Machines perform a dance, while choreographer Pauline Roelants, in the language of her profession, guides the viewer through the scenes. Thus, the silences and tranquility of the landscapes, interacting with the impulsive actions and mistakes of the machine, become an integral part of the choreography.

This film is currently not available.

Around its own axis showcases the infinite, repetitive rhythm of the automated Dutch agricultural landscape. Machines perform a dance, while choreographer Pauline Roelants, in the language of her profession, guides the viewer through the scenes. Thus, the silences and tranquility of the landscapes, interacting with the impulsive actions and mistakes of the machine, become an integral part of the choreography.

Full credits

New Dutch
Mirte van Duppen
Pauline Roelants
Production countries
Production year
12 minutes
Paulien Mandos

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