
Gimp Gait

Director Pioneer Winter, Tabatha Mudra
Choreographer Pioneer Winter
United States 2016
5 minutes
A solo for two, *Gimp Gait* explores the similarities and differences between able and disabled bodies.


Gimp Gait is a solo for two – surrogates to one another. It includes an exploration of the subjects' private and public lives and how the perspective of the viewer may attempt to control or shape who they are. The title of the film discloses its origin: 'gimp', a slur meant to mark a weak or handicapped person and 'gait', the manner or style of a person's walk. Can you notice every part of their bodies – both the similarities and differences?

This film is currently not available.

Gimp Gait is a solo for two – surrogates to one another. It includes an exploration of the subjects' private and public lives and how the perspective of the viewer may attempt to control or shape who they are. The title of the film discloses its origin: 'gimp', a slur meant to mark a weak or handicapped person and 'gait', the manner or style of a person's walk. Can you notice every part of their bodies – both the similarities and differences?

Full credits

Out of Competition
Pioneer Winter, Tabatha Mudra
Pioneer Winter
Production countries
United States
Production year
5 minutes

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