VR Research - Universiteit Utrecht & Leiden
NL | 2023

FREE ADMISSION: Book your time slot at the Cinedans desk in Eye. Neuroscientists Ineke van der Ham (Leiden University) and Anouk Keizer (Utrecht University) regularly use VR in their research. Their experiences with the medium raise many questions about the ways VR is experienced by different people. To what extent does your background and your own physical consciousness influence your experience in VR?
Cinedans invited Ineke and Anouk last year to start their research project on ‘embodiment’ and ‘sense of presence’ in virtual space. During this edition of Cinedans they proceed their research. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the research! Participation takes about 20 minutes. Not only will you be serving a scientific experiment, you will also have the chance to experience the unique VR Project Strings Attached by ImproVive! Strings Attached is an experiment about control and identity in VR. What happens to your sense of embodiment and immersion when someone else takes control of your movements. Like Pinnochio, we are in the presumption of our free will and choice, but are we really in control of all the strings?