

Dutch premiere
Available online: 24/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Orian Michaeli, Wiaam khater
Choreographer Orian Michaeli, Wiaam khater
Canada and Israel 2023
20 minutes
Arabic and Hebrew
A Syrian and an Israeli are looking for alternative methods of protest.


Through a feminist lens, Wiaam from Syria and Orian from Israel seek to examine alternative methods of protest against occupation, racism and violence in current Israel. They grapple with the decision of whether to leave or stay, take action or remain home.

This film is currently not available.

Through a feminist lens, Wiaam from Syria and Orian from Israel seek to examine alternative methods of protest against occupation, racism and violence in current Israel. They grapple with the decision of whether to leave or stay, take action or remain home.

Full credits

Competition Shorts and International Short Film Competition
Orian Michaeli, Wiaam khater
Orian Michaeli, Wiaam khater
Production countries
Canada and Israel
Production year
20 minutes
Orian Michaeli, Wiaam khater

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