
Lucid Dreaming

Available online: 23/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Emma Evelein
Choreographer Emma Evelein
Belgium and Netherlands 2023
13 minutes
*Lucid Dreaming* tells the story of a girl in a train, who loses herself in the world of another passenger.


Lucid Dreaming tells the story of a girl in a train, who loses herself in the world of another passenger. As she falls deeper in his emotions and sensations, the train and its passengers become part of the world she encounters through him. During this non-verbal encounter between strangers, she experiences how imagination and empathy are both powerful and vulnerable at the same time.

This film is part of the online program but accessible only in the Netherlands.

This film is currently not available.

Lucid Dreaming tells the story of a girl in a train, who loses herself in the world of another passenger. As she falls deeper in his emotions and sensations, the train and its passengers become part of the world she encounters through him. During this non-verbal encounter between strangers, she experiences how imagination and empathy are both powerful and vulnerable at the same time.

This film is part of the online program but accessible only in the Netherlands.

Full credits

New Dutch
Emma Evelein
Emma Evelein
Production countries
Belgium and Netherlands
Production year
13 minutes
Thomas Mataheru, Jolijn van Rinsum

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