
Under the Sky of Fetishes

Dutch premiere
Play trailer
Director Caroline Déodat
France and Mauritius 2023
17 minutes
*Under the Sky of Fetishes* responds to the complexity of colonial archives.


Under the Sky of Fetishes responds to the complexity of colonial archives. It reinvents the specters of a haunting gaze to tell the story of Mauritian sega – a cultural practice born during colonization and slavery, now mainly seen in tourism. How do we project, literally bring out of ourselves, the narrative of the oppressor? Mixing fiction and ethnography, the film sanctifies the power of the projection as a mental as well as intimate enigma to release ghostly and alienated bodies, including our own.

This film is currently not available.

Under the Sky of Fetishes responds to the complexity of colonial archives. It reinvents the specters of a haunting gaze to tell the story of Mauritian sega – a cultural practice born during colonization and slavery, now mainly seen in tourism. How do we project, literally bring out of ourselves, the narrative of the oppressor? Mixing fiction and ethnography, the film sanctifies the power of the projection as a mental as well as intimate enigma to release ghostly and alienated bodies, including our own.

Full credits

Breaking the Chains
Caroline Déodat
Production countries
France and Mauritius
Production year
17 minutes
Caroline Déodat

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