
Her Body

Available online: 22/03/2025
Play trailer
Director Daphne Lucker
Choreographer Jori Meijer, Alessio Reedijk
Netherlands 2024
14 minutes
When the lively Sophie—a healthy girl confined to a hospital bed—meets the playful Buck, she uncovers the truth about her body and the suffocating lie her mother has forced her to live in.


Sophie, a curious and healthy eleven-year-old girl, is confined to a hospital bed under her mother’s constant watch. When she meets Buck, a cheerful nine-year-old adventurer, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and movement. As they explore together, Sophie begins to question the reality of her situation, wondering if she is truly as unwell as her mother insists.

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Sophie, a curious and healthy eleven-year-old girl, is confined to a hospital bed under her mother’s constant watch. When she meets Buck, a cheerful nine-year-old adventurer, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and movement. As they explore together, Sophie begins to question the reality of her situation, wondering if she is truly as unwell as her mother insists.

Full credits

New Dutch
Daphne Lucker
Jori Meijer, Alessio Reedijk
Production countries
Production year
14 minutes
Julia Rombout, Reinier Selen, Rinskje Raap
Rinkel Film

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