The Body is the Message
24 - 26 MARCH | Solid Ground Movement Studio | By invitation

A three-day interdisciplinary research class by dancemaker and interdisciplinary doctoral researcher Karel Tuytschaever in collaboration with Cinedans, DansBrabant and KAA about embodiment in relation to lens-based media.
As a maker, Karel is mesmerised by physicality and embodiment in the arts. Physicality in the context of the relationship a person has with their own body. embodiment; how, as an artist, one uses one's body to be part of, or come to the creation of a work. “I started making my own work because, as an actor/performer, I am too often merely a projection, a canvas in someone else's plot or narrative-driven imagination. Informed by the embodied knowledge of what it can be to exist in an image, I arrived at a deeper elaboration of my working approach as a maker."
In this research class, an interdisciplinary group of Belgian and Dutch students is invited to come together and share their interest in the theme of Embodiment in Cinema. Students from dance, drama and visual Dutch arts academies and post academic educational institutions were invited to sign up. The focus of the workshop lies on encounter, connectivity and practical exploration of the disciplines.
The starting point is Karel Tuytschaever’s film EASY TIGER. The research class will include discussions, practical exercise and assignments.
The three days will be concluded with a presentation at Cinedans FEST ’23 at Eye Filmmuseum, on March 26th 16:00 - 17:00 in Cinema 2. More info here